Be strong? I will be honest with you…right now I can’t be strong enough for someone else. It is too much pressure. I need to let God be strong enough for me; collapse into His strength, let go into His faithful arms. I can’t be strong for anyone else. They need to know and I need to be reminded that none of us are strong enough…we never have been and we never will be. It is only by God’s Spirit in us that we are able to stand at all some days.
So don’t feel pressure, because you are already feeling pressure enough with everything going on. You don’t need more pressure. You can’t take more pressure. You are human. You were not meant to hold it together. You were meant to fall apart… knowing that God will not let you be overcome. You will not get lost in this. You will hurt and struggle, and believe me, my heart hurts for you, but the last thing I want you to feel from me or anyone else is that YOU are who or what is holding this all together. Rest child. Breathe. You are being held. You are loved.
Dear one, you are beautiful and wonderful, but you can’t be what holds things together. That is not fair. Don’t put that pressure on yourself. Lean on the One who laid down His life for you. Fall back into His arms and He will raise you up just like He Himself rose from the dead. You are in good hands. The hands that took the nails for you are holding you now.
I don’t mean to sound like I am preaching at you. I am really just praying for you. I could not stand to see you take on one more thing with all that you have been through. We are all praying for you. All of Heaven is behind you. God WILL get you through this.